The IDEA-signature
For 25 years, IDEA Consult has been an influential player in the field of policy support advice.
Our insights are evidence-based and focused by an in-depth knowledge of the relevant field. Societal issues are the touchstone for all our work and our teams are committed to supporting the ongoing transition to a green, resilient, sustainable and inclusive society. However, we never overlook the human touch or the need to justify our recommendations from an economic perspective.
We have summarised our philosophy in the IDEA Consult Manifesto. It explains who we are and what makes us different and unique.
We are IDEA Consult
Independent and professional partner for evidence-based policy decisions.
We think ahead
We turn the latest findings in research into new insights, inspiring strategies and effective solutions.
We connect minds
Societal challenges are interconnected.
IDEA Consult co-creates integrated solutions with clients and partner organisations.
We empower
We take care of our employees and clients. Change starts with committed people.
Sustainable impact,
that's our goal
We inspire clients to help shape a new and sustainable future.

Who we are
A dedicated team of 80 specialists.
IDEA clients can rely on a team of dedicated experts who translate
hard-earned knowledge into practical solutions.
We unite around four missions/aspirations:
Entrepreneurial: To take the initiative and be innovative;
Committed: To go the extra mile and strive to deliver a fairer society;
Connecting & cooperative: To work collectively in order to deliver the best result;
Trust: We say what we do, and we do what we say;
What we do
Our services underpin the entire policy cycle, from analysis, through policy preparation, to implementation and evaluation. We translate the latest findings in research and technology into new insights, inspiring strategies and effective solutions.
Why we do it
It’s there in our baseline: Moving Society. Together with our clients,
we work towards a new and sustainable tomorrow.
Our purpose is to inspire and empower clients to future-proof local and regional economies and labour markets, to increase the vitality of cities and regions and to introduce more effective governance.
An ambassador for sustainable development
IDEA Consult is a partner of CIFAL Flanders and has obtained the SDG Pioneer Certificate, an intermediate step towards becoming a SDG Champion.

Our partner network
IDEA Consult is allied to a wide range of other experts in our partner networks. We enjoy working with academicians as well as fellow consultants.
Our closest partners have united to form The IDEA Group. Working together, IDEA Consult, MONDEA, Value Partners and The Argonauts deliver fully integrated solutions: innovative concepts (strategy), anchored in daily practice (organisation), supported by the end user (support) and embedded in the physical environment (location).