What are you looking for?
How can I accomplish a forward-looking and fully supported strategic plan for our cultural programmes?
What is the economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors
and how do we continue to give these sectors a future?
How can we give valuable heritage sites a secure future
as a sustainable tourist destination?
How can we build regional cooperation around heritage and culture
in an effective and efficient way?
Whether at government or organisational level, we can offer you insight into sector dynamics, support for policy planning, strategy development and evaluation, and learning from international benchmarks, experts and stakeholders. We strongly believe in co-creation processes; our knowledge and networks will enrich your exchanges and take you further than you ever imagined.
Strategic development and alignment of cultural initiatives
Guidance and drafting of (museum) policy plans, event concept development, strategic sparring, additional funding trajectories, creating a marketing and communication strategy.
The social and administrative environment is evolving rapidly. Cultural institutions and initiatives must adapt to exceed expectations , seize opportunities from new technologies and contribute to current social priorities (the demand for more circularity, more attention to the climate, co-creation, inclusion ...).
Cultural and creative sectors as drivers of social and economic innovation
Measuring the economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors, the arts as a driver in cross-sectoral collaboration, impact measurement.
The cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCS) are a key driver of sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU and beyond. Keeping up with an ever-changing media landscape requires the CCS to develop new working and business models, and to embrace innovation.
Room for culture, tourism and leisure
Valorisation of heritage sites, temporary use of domains, space needs assessment for leisure sectors,...
Heritage and cultural initiatives need space, but can transform the public realm lending it meaning and significance
Initiatives such as 'The European Bauhaus' (beautiful, sustainable, together) emphasise the importance of an integrated, social vision of the public realm, including art and culture.
Regional coalitions and strategies for culture, leisure, heritage, landscape and tourism
Tourism plans, landscape parks, inter-municipal cooperation. architectural/movable heritage model for local cultural cooperation, etc.
The Flemish government encourages and supports municipalities and local actors to cooperate in the fields of cultural policy, architectural heritage, tourism, youth and leisure with a view to improving delivery and effecting savings. This has created a busy landscape of intermediary organisations that evaluate and adjust their ambitions and cooperation agreements on a regular basis.