
Eveline Durinck

Eveline Durinck

Expert Competitiveness & Innovation

Eveline Durinck has been working at IDEA Consult since August 2008. She completed her studies in Business Engineering at the KULeuven in 2004 and a year later, she obtained a Master of Science in Economics. From September 2005 until July 2008, Eveline worked as a researcher at the Financial Economics Department of Ghent University.

Within IDEA Consult, Eveline has built up expertise in impact measurements and evaluations, both at European and regional level. At the European level, Eveline has contributed to various evaluations of the European Framework Programmes, she has conducted the Multi-Dimensional Impact Assessment of family-owned heritage houses in Europe and has also led the evaluation of the European Interreg project “Food2Market”. At the Flemish level, Eveline has participated in several impact measurements of public innovation support and cluster organisations. She investigated the impact of the VLAIO business support programme, the ICON projects of imec as well as the impact of Flanders’ FOOD and the Social Innovation Factory (SIF). In this context, she also developed a new methodology to map and measure the economic leverage effects of public-private research in terms of investments, turnover and employment. Eveline was also coach in projects on social impact measurement of the Social Innovation Factory, supported by VLAIO, where she guided organisations in mapping their social Impact. Additionally, Eveline has investigated the impact of several disruptions (technological, social, ecological) on Flemish society, for the Flemish Chambers of Commerce VOKA, as well as the potential of new social models for dealing with these disruptions and keeping the Flemish economy competitive.

During her career at IDEA Consult, Eveline also deepened her expertise on the Cultural and Creative Sectors: Eveline has contributed to various projects on financing for culture, including a large-scale study for the European Commission on Crowdfunding for Culture, the White Paper on Complementary Finance for Culture for the Flemish Department of Culture and a study on philanthropy for Culture. She is currently also working on a study for DG EAC on the further development of the financial ecosystem for the Cultural and Creative Sectors.

Methodologically, Eveline has built up extensive experience in organizing large-scale surveys, conducting in-depth interviews and organising workshops. Through data-analyses, she summarises the quantitative and qualitative information obtained through these research methods into usable policy indicators.

Recent projects by Eveline Durinck