
David Nassen

David Nassen

Senior Consultant Strategy & Collaboration with Impact

David Nassen supports partnerships, network organisations and, in particular, sector and member associations. He is active around strategy and organisational development and in project supervision where social impact is aimed at via the power of cooperation.

A reasoned analysis and a strategic view are central. David works enthusiastically and connectively. Critical in analysis and strategic choices, soft in approach and process. Empowering organisations and individuals ‘in the middle’ to achieve concrete & sustainable impact.

David is fascinated by intermediary networks, member associations, professional and sector organisations or federations; and their relationship with government. He couples expertise in specific models and mechanisms of association management and cooperation with practical experience working with professionals and administrators in these types of settings. This both in the socio-economic and socio-cultural sector, and in care or leisure. From 2013, he was a director of the first hour of BSAE vzw, a network of association managers Belgium.

For more than 10 years, David was director at ISB vzw (now Netwerk Lokaal Sportbeleid), membership organisation and knowledge centre for local sports and recreation policy in Flanders and Brussels. He was involved in projects with local and other authorities, civil society organisations and private actors. From a broad perspective on sports policy, he built up insight into various policy domains and the policy playing field between the Flemish government and the local field. He uses this experience for issues where an integral view on various policy themes plays a central role. And from his roots in sport and local government, he remains available for assignments around (local) sports policy.

Since 2021, David has been a senior consultant at IDEA Consult. His reference projects include the project coordination of the Green Deal Sportdomeinenthe strategic repositioning & future organisation of the Logo operation (for Department of Care) or a research project on the cooperation between the Flemish Government and some 10 civil society organisations on equal opportunities (for ABB – Gelijke Kansen). He also did various sessions for member organisations (Unizo sector operation, for care professions (dieticians, …), in the socio-cultural/local sector (VVBAD, …) or on circular building for ORI, the sector organisation of consultancy and engineering firms). Project association ‘t Stakenhuis (Aalst region) and e.g. the ELZ Kempenland are regional partnerships that David supervised.

For sports federations, there was a governance project on ‘More women at the helm of sports’. In terms of (local) sports policy, the subsidy guidance of Balsakker Lille, a participation trajectory for (Top) Sports Centre Ragheno-site Mechelen and Masterplan Hazewinkel Willebroek are example references.

David is Master in Physical Education – Sports Management and did additional studies in Business Economics (KU Leuven). The basis for a unique mix between guiding people, an eye for social impact and a professional view. Multidisciplinary, he links up with colleagues within IDEA Consult and Mondea