
Cathy Cardon

Cathy Cardon

Cathy Cardon - Culture & Tourism
Expert Culture & Tourism

Cathy Cardon is working as expert at IDEA Consult since March 2021, a job she held earlier in 2010 – 2013. From 2014 to 2021 she was director of Kunst in Huis (Art At Home) a non-profit that supports emerging artists by lending and selling their art works. She was also responsible for the concepting and realisation of the rent free art loan Kunst aan Zet, that is offered by a network of Flemish and Brussels galleries. Earlier in het career, she worked as marketing manager for heritage organisation Herita (2013 – 2014) and collaborative arts marketing organisation CultuurNet Vlaanderen / Publiq (2004 – 2010). She started her career as event manager at Act!events (2001 – 2004). In het spare time she is a member of the advisory board of Callas Confiture. She has a degree in History of Arts and Cultural management.

Cathy’s main expertise is development of partner networks, collaborative marketing, events and concept development. As a director of Kunst in Huis she added a lot of practical experience in writing strategic plans, action plans and year reports, accounting and dealing with budgets that never match ambitions, challenges in HR, logistics, infrastructure and corporate governance, as well as the development of products and services. Cathy’s experience in collaborative culture marketing, visual arts, performing arts and heritage have provided her with a broad view on the Flemish cultural sector.