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Study on the problems and best practices relating to well-being at work in Brussels associations

Olivier Brolis

Expert Skills & Labour Market
"The collaboration with ABBET has not only given us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge of associations in Brussels, but has also allowed us to make a real impact. On the one hand, our work has helped ABBET to improve their services. On the other hand, we created tool sheets that are still helping associations to improve their practices in terms of well-being at work. We have also continued to work with ABBET on various projects."

The challenge

The aim of the Brussels Association for well-being at work (ABBET) is to inform, raise awareness and support the COCOF and COCOM associations in implementing their policy of conflict prevention and resolution with regard to well-being at work.

In August 2019, ABBET commissioned IDEA Consult to carry out a study on associations active in aid and care, support for the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities and/or mental health problems, and at the level of social cohesion including support for schooling, learning the French language and intercultural citizenship. The study had a threefold objective:

  • To take stock of the knowledge and the application of the act of well-being at work within associations;
  • Highlight the main problems, including emerging ones, encountered in terms of well-being at work within associations;
  • Identify possible solutions, including innovative ones, implemented by the actors in the field of well-being.

The process & results

In order to carry out this study, several research methods were used at different times, depending on the objectives:

  • An online survey was launched in French and Dutch to gauge the associations’ level of knowledge of the law on well-being at work, their level of application of this law, the issues related to well-being at work most frequently encountered, and their satisfaction with ABBET’s services.
  • Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the heads of 15 associations from different sectors in order to address, in detail, the problems (including emerging problems) in terms of well-being, the origin of these problems, as well as existing solutions and best practices.
  • Three thematic workshops with association representatives were also organised. Each of these half-day workshops focused on the following themes: work content, work organisation, and interpersonal relations, harassment and violence. The aim was to discuss existing problems and solutions by theme. 

This study led to two important results:

  • A report presenting the main issues of well-being at work facing these associations, whether in general or in relation to their specific context and sector of activity, and how ABBET could support them in finding and implementing concrete solutions.
  • Creation of 6 tool sheets for Brussels associations. The aim is to advise and guide associations in their efforts to improve well-being at work. Each tool sheet describes an issue and lists the solutions to be considered, the potential obstacles and the actors to be involved in implementing the solutions.  These 6 tool sheets are available among others on the ABBET website.