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Logo operation as a network organisation in Flemish prevention policy

David Nassen

Senior Consultant Strategy & Collaboration with Impact
"With a guided research project, we provided a change of perspective for the Flemish Logo operation. We brought the Logos and the Department of Care together and prepared for the start of implementing a new organisational model for the future."

The challenge

In Flanders and Brussels, 15 regional Logos, or Loco-regionaal gezondheidsoverleg en -organisatie (Local Health Consultation), have been active since the late 1990s. They ensure the dissemination of various prevention methodologies, such as Gezonde Gemeente (Healthy Municipality), Bewegen Op Verwijzing (Moving on Referral), … to actors in all life domains (work, schools, leisure, local, …) and are thus advocates of a healthy lifestyle and living environment for citizens.

Commissioned by the Health Promotion Team of the Flemish government’s Department of Care, a research project was set up around the repositioning of the Logos in a changing prevention landscape.

The process & results

Participatory research process

The situation was mapped through some 40 interviews with various actors (authorities, field workers, care professions, sector organisations, etc.). Via a SWOART, an analysis was made of ‘the (non-)working elements’ in the approach of the Logos in relation to the policy of the Department of Care. A strategic positioning for the future Logo operation was then developed through 9 elements (role in prevention chain, relationship with Flemish government, administrative/geographical level, …). In a final step, the translation was made into a new organisational model, including a step-by-step plan. In the organisational model, attention was paid to governance, communication, an evaluation framework, a financing model, …

The process was followed up by a guidance group (client and the Logos). Throughout the process, there was a focus on participation through working sessions with Logo coordinators, information sessions for staff, discussion with each regional Logo and working sessions with the department’s health promotion team.

Perspective shift towards shared ambition

The essence of the recommended strategic positioning was a change of perspective from 15 ‘separate’ Logo organisations to one Flemish Logo operation of about 100 Logo employees. An operation with a shared ambition in prevention and as an expert and supervisor in the implementation of prevention methods at intermediaries. This takes shape through a Flemish team that coordinates and supports the whole operation; and regional teams (streamlined with the reference regions and with stakeholder networks). In this organisational model, Logo staff can work at a Flemish, regional and supra-local/local level, with workplaces closely linked to stakeholders such as partner organisations (Gezond Leven, VAD, etc.), municipalities, first-line zones, etc.

The step-by-step plan consisted of 2 phases. In the short term (2023-2025), the regulatory framework takes shape, a Flemish team is built up and 2025 is a planning year to make the Logo operation ready and agile for the future. In the second phase 2026-2030, we streamlined the plan with the policy process of a Flemish Prevention Policy and the process of a Health Conference.

Concrete approach based on substantiated models

In the research process, various models were translated to the context of Logo operation and prevention policies. With a SWOART, an analysis was made from a positive and future-oriented perspective. With the ‘Strategising’ concept, a purpose-oriented, implementable and sustainable positioning was worked out. Logo’s partnerships were looked at from the 4 basic forms of cooperation. With a Network Organisation 1.0 – 2.0 – 3.0 concept, the link was made to an organisational model.  

The recommended evaluation framework is part of a larger impact logic and puts the focus on the process and Logo operation as an actor in a spheres of influence model. Progress markers and an activity report are part of a self-assessment combined with an external 360° evaluation.

IDEA Consult worked with the consultants of WhoCares?, thuis in zorg & welzijn (at home in care & welfare) and Josworld as communications partners. A panel of 5 academic experts was also involved.

From growth reports to a final report as a stepping stone to concrete action

During the research process, the final report took shape through a growth report at each stage. The final report in PowerPoint format provides a summary interpretation of the situation, a visual representation of the future positioning and a schematic step-by-step plan.

The integral and complete final report is available on the Department of Care’s website.

Following the assignment, the cabinet of the competent minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family, Hilde Crevits, made a principle decision for adaptation of the regulatory framework; and a transition management was appointed to put the organisational model and step-by-step plan into practice.

Partners in this project
