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Evaluation study of the European framework programmes for research and innovation for an innovative Europe
Daniela Kretz
Evaluation presents an important moment in the policy cycle, especially for programmes such as the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, which under Horizon 2020 presented a budget of nearly EUR 80 billion and under Horizon Europe represents a budget of EUR 95.5 billion. The study focused on the evaluation of the Innovative Europe pillar under Horizon 2020 (ex-post evaluation) and Horizon Europe (interim evaluation) and was conducted between 2022 and 2024 by IDEA Consult experts together with PPMI (lead) and Prognos.
The Evaluation study of the European framework programmes for research and innovation for an innovative Europe was conducted by IDEA Consult experts between 2022 and 2024. The study focused on the evaluation of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence and EU added value of the Innovative Europe pillar under both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (interim evaluation). The main objective of this Pillar is to foster all forms of innovation, including non-technological innovation, primarily within SMEs, including start-ups, by facilitating technological development, demonstration, and knowledge transfer, and strengthen the deployment of innovative solutions.
The following programme parts under the Innovative Europe pillar were covered by IDEA Consult experts in each indicated period:
- Horizon 2020 (phase 1): Innovation in SMEs (INNOSUP) and European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)
- Horizon Europe (phase 2): European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) and EIT KICs
In addition, IDEA Consult also spearheaded the microeconometric analysis as well as the overall evaluation of the effectiveness criteria across all programme parts and methods.
Further methods of analysis included the conduction of case studies and benchmarks based on desk research, data analysis, and interviews as inputs in order to support the provision of detailed insights related to the programme parts. Case studies and benchmarks led by IDEA Consult experts, include EIT KICs: Technology Infrastructures; EU Added Value of EIT KICs; and Innovation in SMEs: Benchmark on Funding Services offered through Business Finland for Young Growth Companies.
The main findings arising from the phase 1 and phase 2 studies include insights on the background to each initiative covered, the implementation state of play of each programme part, as well as the evaluation itself covering reactions to study questions related to relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, EU added value, as well as partnership specific criteria. A lesson learned related to European added value is that sustained, tailored, and synergistic funding is crucial to enable collaborative initiatives, cross-border consortia, learning and networking between different innovation actors. Dialogue with stakeholders is essential to ensure that calls are designed in a practical and understandable way, avoiding overlaps and defining the unique role and added value of each instrument. There is a clear need for a portfolio of instruments to support interregional innovation, addressing the innovation divide. Novel instruments should build on the experience of the Innovation Pillar of Horizon Europe, breaking down silos and fostering cooperation.
Results for the phase 1 evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes for R&I for an Innovative Europe under Horizon 2020 are found in the main report as well as extensive annexes covering data analysis conducted that underpin the main findings, while also zooming in on specific programme parts through dedicated case studies and benchmark analyses.
- Link to main report for phase 1: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c8f14a8b-fdce-11ed-a05c-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
- Link to annexes for phase 1: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/668b7195-fdd1-11ed-a05c-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
Likewise for the phase 2 of the project, focussing on the interim evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes for R&I for an Innovative Europe under Horizon Europe, a main report summarises the overarching findings per evaluation criteria. A dedicated annex that delves into detailed findings related to underlying data sets as well as insightful case studies and benchmarks related to the underlying programme parts.
- Link to main report for phase 2: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/6aeb2414-64e8-11ef-a8ba-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
- Link to annexes for phase 2: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/19c9d590-64e9-11ef-a8ba-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
Contact persons
Els Van de Velde: els.vandevelde@ideaconsult.be
Daniela Kretz: daniela.kretz@ideaconsult.be