Han-sur-Lesse meets IDEA-team, or was it the other way around?

The first weekend of September, IDEA colleagues traditionally head out to strengthen ties and deepen the IDEA story. This year, we pitched our tents at Han-sur-Lesse and took a look at the IDEA manifesto.

Welcome to the newcomers to the team!

IDEA has grown strongly, over the past year, with more than 80 employees now divided into five teams. The strategic weekend is a great opportunity to catch up and ensure that there is sufficient exchange between colleagues and teams. For some new colleagues, the weekend was their first big meeting with the full team.

Just started on 1 September, I had absolutely no idea what to expect… but what a great experience to feel what the organisation stands for during the two-day event and get to know the people who put it into practice every day. Of the different values, I got to taste the ‘(em)Power’ the most, during the highland games.

After these 2-days in Han-sur-Lesse, I immediately dare to say: ‘We are IDEA Consult’.

Jeff Van Ouytsel, strategy and governance expert IDEA Consult

Living up to the IDEA brand every day

At the celebration of 25 years of IDEA at the end of last year, we launched our new brand ‘Moving society’. Such a brand is more than a logo, it tells our unique story, our identity and ambition. The brand was translated into a Manifesto with five pillars. Read it as our promise to internal and external stakeholders. During the two-day event, we mapped good practices with IDEA staff where the principles of our manifesto were expressed at their best. From those good examples, we got inspiration to make the five pillars even stronger no in the future.

New website and house style

Meanwhile, we have also finished translating our brand into our communications. The new IDEA website is online and in the coming weeks IDEA’s notes and reports will also put on a new look. Everything at IDEA is about strong policy proposals, but they read as smoothly as ever if they are presented in an attractive way.