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European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform (ekip)

Carlo Vuijlsteke

Expert Cultural & Creative Sectors
"With our thorough cross-disciplinary experience in innovation as well as cultural and creative industries policies, IDEA plays an active role in shaping policy recommendations that help put cultural and creative sectors in the heart of the EU innovation ecosystem."

The challenge

What is needed in terms of European policy on research & innovation to achieve a culture and creativity driven European innovation ecosystem? Over the last decade the potential role of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in innovation in our economy and society at large has been increasingly accented by sector organisations and policy makers.  The challenge is that good support mechanisms for cultural and creative sectors and open ecosystems are lacking. The European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform aims to change this. The platform researches to what extent research and innovation programs and funding opportunities successfully involve the cultural and creative sectors as an agent of change to drive innovation in other sectors and provides recommendations to solve barriers and provide better support.

The process & results

ekip is a EU-funded Horizon flagship-project (2023-2026) that will follow the principles of open innovation to establish a policy recommendation engine driven by partners and the active involvement of 40+ networks in the cultural and creative sectors. This engine will continuously promote the development and adoption of policy recommendations for CCIs, resulting in support and guidance that enhances the ability of cultural and creative actors to participate in and contribute to complex innovation processes. The partnership is led by Lund University and involves 18 partner across Europe. IDEA Consult is involved in all phases of the project and will play an active role in three cycles of Policy Formulation Labs in which policy recommendations are developed, tested and fine-tuned in an iterative process. With the policy recommendations the project will contribute to a greener, more inclusive and digital Europe where innovation is driven by culture and creativity. More info:

Partners in this project
