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Drawing up a Walloon support strategy for social enterprises for the 2019-2024 legislative period

Olivier Brolis

Expert Skills & Labour Market
"This project helped to outline and determine the main lines of the 2019-2024 Alternativ'ES Wallonia strategy for public support for the Walloon social economy. We have continued to play an important role throughout the project, whether by participating in certain steering committees for the strategy or by carrying out specific actions at the request of the Region (evaluation of the Social Economy Advisory Agencies, construction of the public funding mechanism for the Comptoirs des Ressources Créatives, or support for the digitalisation of social enterprises). "

The challenge

Our mission was to draw up a strategy for public support for the development of social economy enterprises in Wallonia, particularly in the six key areas identified by Minister Morreale (i.e. food, energy, housing, culture, health and mobility), with the aim of feeding into the Alternativ’ES Wallonia Strategy throughout the 2019-2024 legislature.

The process & results

In concrete terms, this assignment has led us to the following steps :

  • Draw up an inventory of existing public policies and programmes to support the social economy in the Walloon Region.
  • Carry out a benchmark of (innovative) good practice in terms of public policies to support the social economy implemented by other institutions, both in Belgium (Brussels-Capital Region and Flemish Region) and abroad (France, Quebec and Spain).
  • Meet with key players in Wallonia’s social economy who are active in the strategy’s six priority sectors of activity.
  • Produce the strategy to support the development of social economy enterprises, which includes the Walloon vision, the (sub)objectives to be achieved organised in the form of strategic guidelines, the related result indicators, the actions and measures to be developed to achieve each of the (sub)objectives identified and the key players to be mobilised.