
Mathieu Demaré

Mathieu Demaré

Expert Science, Technology & Innovation

Since January 2023, Mathieu Demaré has been part of Idea Consult’s “Innovation, competitiveness & sustainability” team as an expert in Science, Technology and Innovation.

Graduated in History from the Catholic University of Louvain, Mathieu started his career in 1999 in digital for Trasys (Tractebel Group) and in corporate communication and information management from 2001 to the end of 2009 for CNP, a financial holding company listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange.

Since 2010, he has been working as a consultant in digital transformation of organisations and in digital, open and collaborative innovation. He has worked with numerous companies and organisations to support them in their digital strategy, in the reorganisation of activities (COO) linked to digital transformation or in the implementation of innovation projects that include the digital aspect.

Combining strategic consulting and transition management skills, Mathieu Demaré has participated in the implementation of collaborative innovation ecosystems in various sectors (Energy, Mobility, Construction, Media, Digital, XR…). He has also collaborated in the implementation of smart specialisation strategies in innovation at the metropolitan level (Axe Creative & Digital Charleroi Metropole) and at the regional level (S3 Strategy of the Walloon Region).

As Digital Wallonia Champion since 2015, Mathieu Demaré has actively participated in the collective work that led to the construction of the successive Walloon Digital Plans.

Recent projects by Mathieu Demaré