
Björn Koopmans

Björn Koopmans

Senior Expert Regional Development & EU Projects

Björn Koopmans studied i.a. International Relations, specialized in EU Policies and was assistant professor and researcher at EHSAL, UGent and KULeuven (2003-2010). He then moved to the Province of Limburg (B), where he was head of the EU unit. In this position he was closely involved in the development, monitoring and evaluation of EU projects, implementing the economic recovery plan ‘SALK’ (2010-2014). Consecutively he became director of the cross-border cooperation Euregio Meuse-Rhein (BE-NL-DE), where he was ultimately responsible for the overall management of the Interreg EMR programme to DG Regio (2011-2017).

Before joining IDEA in 2019 he worked as consultant and (interim) project manager on regional and cross border projects for BE-Limburg development and investment companies (POM Limburg & LRM) as well as Brainport Network (network of North-Brabant and NL-Limburg triple helix partners powered by the Eindhoven based Brainport Development Company). At IDEA he is part of the Regional & Local Development team as Senoir expert. He has been project leader of multiple projects related to the elaboration of local and regional policy plans on new economy and territorial development, a new smart specialization strategy for South-Netherlands and the new ERDF 2021-2027-programme of Flanders, contributing to an industrial partnership led by Agorio-Sirris with the Flemish government as well as acting as  program management of the economic investment plan SALKturbo of the Province of Limburg (BE) and the Chemelot Circular Hubs Circular Economy Action Plan (NL).